Rooms & Gardens

At Beech Hill Nursery we have an amazing selection of rooms that all incorporate areas of learning and development for your child. As well as this we have 3 beautifully renovated gardens

Baby Room

In the baby room we take children from the age of 3 months up until 18 months. From the age of 3 months, babies are given new experiences according to their individual needs. At such a young age babies learn through their senses.
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Monkey Room

The children in Monkey room are aged between 18 months and 2 years 3 months. We take up to 12 children each day and have a ratio of 1 adult to 3 children under 2 and 1 child to 4 children over 2.
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Panda Room 

The children in the Panda room are aged between 2 years and 3 months - 3 years old. We take up to 16 children each day and have a ratio of 1 adult to 4 children.
Our aim is to offer your child new experiences according to their individual needs, encouraging them to learn through play as much as possible. 
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Tiger Room

The children in Tiger room are all aged three to four and a half years old. When your child joins the Tiger room, they will be assigned a new keyworker. There are four members of staff who work in the room on a ratio of one adult to eight children.
Our aim is to offer your child new experiences according to their individual needs, encouraging them to learn through play as much as possible.

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Front Garden

During outdoor play we encourage the children to move around and explore the space available to them, providing them with opportunities to be aware of the natural world and how it changes over time for example the weather becoming colder or warmer or the leaves on the tree in the garden changing colour and eventually falling to the ground as the seasons change. We also encourage the children to hunt for mini beasts as they give us the chance to talk about life cycles. 
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Back Garden

While playing on the garden we encourage the children to use their senses to explore the different areas we have, providing them with opportunities to do planting activities in our planting area where as well as developing their fine/ gross motor skills and hand-eye coordination they are gaining knowledge on how to care for the seeds, bulbs and flowers they have planted so they thrive and grow.
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Beech Hill Nursery School is located at 22 Beech Hill Road Sheffield, S10 2SB. Do you know The Royal Hallamshire Hospital? Well we are just up the road.

Opening Times

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